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Shin Splints Interrupting Your Training?Shin Splints Can Be Painful & Annoying!
Shin Splints are a common running injury. Here's a closer look at this painful condition. So What Are Shin Splints? "Shin Splints" is a term for an overuse syndrome involving the leg muscles that stabilize the foot and ankle. Running is an extremely repetitive activity so runners are especially prone to getting shin splints. Frequently, shin splints occur when a runner is just starting their training OR if they have recently increased the intensity of their training. During the injury phase, the deep muscles of the leg can become fibrotic. When this happens, the muscles do not lengthen properly because they are shortened and inflamed. The 3 main muscles typically involved are the flexor digitorum longus, tibialis posterior, and the flexor hallicus longus. Eventually this condition can lead to compartment syndrome. What Can You Do for Shin Splints? Proper treatment should focus on making an impact on the tissue to properly restore it's texture and function. You want to get the muscles to behave more like a rubber band, than a rope when they lengthen to their end range of motion. ART (Active Release Techniques®) focuses on the integrity and the texture of muscles to help restore them to normal function. Typically results can take place pretty quickly. If you would like to find out more about relief for Shin Splints, mention this blog post for a complimentary consultation in my office. Feel free to fill out the "Request an Appointment" form on this page. -Dr. Bucci |
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