Tendinitis: What You Need to KnowWhat to Know About Tendinitis...
As you know, muscles are what move our joints. And each muscle is anchored to bone in 2 different areas by a more fibrous soft tissue called tendons.(the white areas in the picture above). And this structure allows our joints to move. For example, the biceps muscle flexes the elbow (closes the elbow joint). It begins on the scapula via it's origin tendon, AND then it inserts on the forearm (radius) via it's insertion tendon. Overuse, constant tension and other factors can cause stress on the tendons. This process can lead to inflammation. Tendinitis literally means Inflammation of the Tendon. Over time, it can lead to scar tissue formation as well. And since tendons are typically close to joints, you may feel pain very close to a joint. Some examples include Golfer's Elbow, Tennis Elbow, Achilles Tendinitis, Patellar Tendinitis, Swimmer's Shoulder. So What Can You Do? Well, to attempt to avoid tendinitis, you can make sure you STRETCH and REST overused muscles. If you are a runner, make sure you stretch lower extremity muscles often (hamstrings, quads, hip muscles, calf muscles, etc.). And make sure you take the proper time to rest between use. If you have the beginning stages of tendinitis, stretching with some ice and specific exercises can help you resolve this issue. If you're condition has progressed past the initial phases, Active Release is the perfect intervention to move out inflammation and break up scar tissue. This treatment will help normalize the tissue and provide lasting symptom relief. -Dr. Bucci |
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